It seems that Super Duper Publications reduced the price of their Fun Deck apps to $1.99 each! What a steal! I quickly purchased:
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What Doesn't Belong?
I already had a good selection of the other Fun Decks. I agree with other reviewers, the Fun Decks are basically the same as the card-version; however, since I work between different schools, I do not have to take the decks with me, which is well worth the money! Also, the apps are still all somewhat interactive. The students enjoy entering their names, setting up their 'group', and taking turns. Overall, I would definitely say that the groups seem to enjoy the 'round robin' (passing to their group members) style of play. It also gives them the chance to work on some non-traditional skills:
--passing the ipad to their peer (quickly and efficiently)
--making sure that their name is reflected on the screen before taking a turn
--scoring their answer (if you want them to self-score): I give a head nod yes/no or with a facial expression if they 'needed help' (incorrect/needed cues) or 'nailed it!!!' (correct). This step is great because it really encourages the students to think about their answer. Sometimes, the students will add to each other's answers, in which case the student whose turn it is might say, "I was close, but I missed part of it"). While this type of feedback occurs with the real cards, I have noticed that it occurs much more naturally and more often when I use the iPad version of the Fun Decks. I also have students totally self-score without my non-verbal feedback. Or I give specific suggestions or verbal feedback. Of course it all depends on the student.
In summary, for $1.99, I feel that it was a great deal!!! For a full list of Super Duper Fun Deck Apps, visit: