Here are some of my favorite, and some new, Halloween and Fall apps!
Henry's Spooky Headlamp: This app goes on sale frequently, but otherwise it is $.99. This app is basically an I Spy type of game. I use this app for students ages 3 through primary grades. Here are some of the ways that I use this app:
- Identify and/or label Halloween vocabulary
- Identify or Explain how the items go with Halloween (A pumpkin is something that you carve during Halloween)
- Articulation: A good number of the items contain some popular articulation targets for carryover activities
- I see a spider web (/sp/ blend, /b/ final)
- I see a scarecrow (/sk/ blend)
- I see a black cat (/bl/, /k/ initial and final)
- Depending on what sounds we are working on, I might change the carrier sentence to: I am looking for, I am searching for, etc.
- Phrases/Sentences: For students who might only label items, this is nice for expanding their utterances.
- They say, "cat", expand the utterance to, "I see a black cat" or "I see a black cat that has yellow eyes"
- Same/Different: for younger students, we talk about same/different and being able to reference the item we are looking for while scanning the screen. So, some fine motor and scanning skills are also practiced. =)
If you like this app, no worries about Halloween ending...they have different versions for different seasons/themes!
Halloween Totems HD: A free app! It's just a fun incentive app that I use for quick turns during other skills. You could still talk about vocabulary, or even some concepts and other skills (short, tall, balancing, fell, how many blocks?, etc). Again, if you like this app after Halloween, no worries, they have another version, called
Two Tall Totems.
Parents Carve a Pumpkin: This is a free app! For your phone or ipad/tablet. I use it in the following ways:
- Vocabulary: Talk about pumpkins, pumpkin colors, parts on a jack o lantern, etc
- Describing: The students must give sentences that describe their pumpkin as they pick features
- Fun: We also use this app for an incentive/fun time while we do other more structured skills/practice.
Here is a list of other apps that I use as well:
Giggle Ghosts: for counting, or as 'fun'.
Mickey's Spooky Night Puzzle Book: I use this app for vocabulary and answering basic wh- questions.
Elly the Reindeer The Spooky Party: A Halloween party book. I use this app for vocabulary and answering basic wh- qustions.
Maria Counts Pumpkins: A LAZ reader book.
Landon's Pumpkins: A LAZ reader book.
Wood Puzzle Halloween HD: I use this app for vocabulary and 'fun'.
Treat Street
Clicky Sticky Halloween Sticker Book: I use this app for following directions and conceptual terms. I either provide directions on where to put stickers, or students can also give me (or a peer) directions.