Friday, April 22, 2011

DropBox...Take your documents with you!

My husband knew that I would want to be able to view and take documents with me on my iPad.  I would need access to therapy schedules, school/class schedules, some of my therapy books that I own, and worksheets.  He installed DropBox for me.  DropBox is an app that allows you to upload pdf's to a secure storage site.  You can then access those items through the DropBox app on your iPad.  You need a wi-fi connection though to bring up new items; however, if I have wi-fi (let's say at home) and bring up a schedule or therapy book, even if I do not have wi-fi later in the day, I can bring up that document as long as I don't close it.  I can NOT bring up new documents unless I have wi-fi though.  DropBox has been very useful when I am en route to retrieve students...I can easily bring up schedules.  DropBox is also a great tool for "5 Minute" articulation sessions that occur outside of the therapy room as you can upload articulation drills to the iPad.
You will need to get DropBox as an app on your iPad (FREE).
Go to and create an account and install DropBox on your computer.
When you want to upload a document, simply go to DropBox on your computer and get started!

These are some screen shots of pdf's that I have on my iPad through DropBox.

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